Hey There!
My name is Maggie Geil, but you can call me Mags for short. I'm so excited you're here and I can't wait to get to know you better! But first, here's a little bit about me and my Fitness Journey...
All About Me
I am no stranger to body image issues and poor self esteem. My high school years and into college, I continually struggled with my relationship with food, and would wear baggy clothes to hide any extra weight I felt I had put on. Growing up in Rural America, Wyoming offered little outlets for self betterment... then I found the gym.
I truly believe that the gym saved my life. It started out as just hopping on the Elliptical while I waited for my brother to get done working out so he could drive me home, and has lead to my pursuit of Body Building and Weightlifting on a regular basis.
No matter what I'm going through, I can always rely on the gym to be there for me. The gym is an outlet for self expression, and a form of therapy for when you're going through your lowest points. As someone who has struggled with Binge Eating, Body Dysmorphia, and Depression, I can proudly say that weightlifting saved my life.
That's why I started Lift With Mags. I want to share this love for Fitness with you and help you on your journey to self betterment. Whether your goal is to lose weight, get stronger, build muscle, or just become healthier, I've got your back!
I'd love to learn more about you and work together towards a better life!